Texas Jewish Stories

The stories below were written by TJHS members based on personal family histories or documents in the TJHS Collection archived at the Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin. These stories are examples of the many that are published in The TJHS Magazine. (Click on the A.I.-enhanced images to read stories.)

Do you have a story to
publish in The TJHS Magazine?
Contact editor@txjhs.org

The Jewish Literary Society of Houston

By Vickie Vogel

(Sylvan Beach Party, La Porte, Texas, 1913)

Rambling Round with Rosella

By Vickie Vogel

The Rubinskys of Brownsville

By Guerta Geifman Rubinsky


Popular in El Paso

By Vickie Vogel

Ima Joy's Waco

By Vickie Vogel