For New or Renewed Membership in TJHS
TJHS Membership with a Click of a Button!
New and Gift Online Registration with Credit Card. Click on button below on this page.
New Membership. If this is your first time to register online for TJHS Membership (even as an active or inactive member), use the New button.
New members will receive an email invoice after completing registration in addition to instructions on accessing the password-protected Members-Only Page.
Gift Membership. Use Gift if paying for another’s membership. Use the giftee’s address under Member Information and Address Information. Use giftee’s email address as their Username for password-protected access to the Members-Only Page.
When the Gift button is pressed, a box will appear for the name of person giving the gift.
Renew Membership Online with Credit Card. Click button below. You will directed to Sign-On Box for Members-Only page. Use your email address for Username; use Password created first time registering online.
For questions or troubles, contact:
Click on Download and Print Mail-in Membership Form if paying by check.
Important Information about Membership Due Dates
Annual Membership Due Date will be the date of credit card payment or date of check. You will receive an email invoice reminder from TJHS two weeks before the Due Date. If you forget to renew, you will get another reminder two weeks after the Due Date.
Thank you for your support of TJHS!!!
Your choice of Membership Levels are available for annual membership dues.
- Student Member ($18)
- Basic Member ($35)
- Supporting Member ($50)
- Sponsor ($100)
- Sustaining Member ($250)
- Benefactor ($500)
- Patron ($1,000)
Texas Jewish Historical Society, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to TJHS are tax deductible within the limits of the law.

Opportunities for TJHS Members
SUPPORT studies, restoration projects, and research through grants and scholarships.
PRESERVE, RESEARCH, PUBLISH your own family histories in the TJHS Magazine.
RECEIVE the quarterly TJHS Magazine.
PARTICIPATE in quarterly Board Meetings and Annual Gatherings convened in towns and cities across Texas. Meet new friends whose histories span the State of Texas.

How TJHS Preserves Texas Jewish History